Monday, September 21, 2009

The New Forrest

Thursday we went to the London temple. It was a spectacular day! Then on Friday we went to the New Forrest to have a picnic and play some cricket. The New Forrest is a huge expanse of land that consists of woodlands and villages. The neatest thing about it is that there is a lot of free roaming wild life especially cows and horses.
These horses were at our picnic spot when we pulled up and hung out for a while. They also snuck up right behind us when we were on a walk. So friendly!

For those of you who don't know cricket is played between two wickets. The goal for the batter is to protect the wickets and to score runs in between the wickets. The fielders job is to knock over the wickets and to stop the batter from scoring runs.

My Grandpa pitching....In cricket you pitch with a straight arm

My grandma even joined in and got a hit and a run

Also in cricket you hold onto the bat when you run
Going to the New Forrest for a picnic is a fun family tradition and I am so glad we got to go this year. hopefully next time my cousins will be able to come with us.


see what i sea designs said...

You guys still need to teach me how to play cricket! The trip looks amazing! I'm so glad you were able to go!

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Cricket sounds fun! That is great that your grandma even got to play too!!