Since we have been here Quinn has given up now he has quiet time. He still gets pretty tired though and one day I found him all tuckered out on the floor. Another time I found him like this....

Somehow he had gotten a hold of my mascara?!
Quinn is my little buddy. He loves going to craft and fabric stores with me, helping clean the house, cooking and looking after James. He has recently started telling me stories which are so fun to hear. One day he was telling me about a dream he had where a train flew to the moon... I love hearing him talk. He tells me what he did in nursery, his concerns about things, fun things he wants to do like can we go to the plane museum when James wakes up?
We are finally potty training. We had been dabbling in potty training since Quinn was 18 months and we finally did it. He still has the occasional accident, usually because he when he is in quiet time he has a hard time letting us know he needs to go and he still in diapers at night but he is usually dry about 90% of the time.
He is also now in a big kid bed. He had started climbing out of his crib and we wanted to use the crib for James so we moved Quinn into his own bed. It was a long process. He was always a really good sleeper but I think the move was hard on him and getting him to go to bed was something I dreaded every night. Then moving him into a different bed at the same time of the move made things even harder on him. But after a month or so we finally figured things out and it has been going a lot better
Its been so nice to be close to family. I think Quinn has a lot of fun with his cousins and love love loves Grandma and Grandpa Bracken. He talks about them all the time.
We love our little two year old!