2 years ago
Monday, December 7, 2009
Law Student Stress Buster Fair
Quinnipiac is doing a stress buster fair today from 4-6pm in the Faculty Commons and LC 317. Come relieve your stress by playings games, doing yoga, eating pizza and the best part? 10 minute massages. I will be there helping out with the massages so make sure to swing by and fit some relaxation in to your busy finals schedule. Oh, did I mention its free?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
First Steps
Quinn took his first steps on December 1st and has been getting better all week. I guess he wanted to wake up and show us what he could do tonight as he woke up around 8 full of beans walked around for a little and then when back to bed. We are so proud of our little moose.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Food, Books and Quinn
Quinn and I made homemade granola bars this week. They were so yummy! Even more so because I put chocolate in them. I mean you can't just have raisin granola bars. And the fruit mix I bought to put in them was disgusting! Every variety of fruit tasted the same as another kind. Thats just not right! Never buy the cheep dried fruit. I look forwarded to making them again...probably a healthier version this time.

Quinn and I made homemade granola bars this week. They were so yummy! Even more so because I put chocolate in them. I mean you can't just have raisin granola bars. And the fruit mix I bought to put in them was disgusting! Every variety of fruit tasted the same as another kind. Thats just not right! Never buy the cheep dried fruit. I look forwarded to making them again...probably a healthier version this time.
Did you know the best way to read a book is to sit on it? Its the only way.
We have been reading lots of fun books recently. I was so excited to find this particular book at the library.
I had completly forgotten about it until I stumbled on it this week. Elizabeth was a princess and was going to marry Prince Ronald. Unfortunatly a dragon comes, burns up the castle and carries off Prince Ronald. Elizabeth finds a brown paper bag to wear since all her clothes were burned up and sets off to rescue Ronald. She cleverly tricks the dragon and defeats him. But sadly Prince Ronald is a snob and tells her to come back and rescue him when she is dressed properly and is cleaned up. Elizabeth replies "RONALD! Your hair is nice. You look like a prince. But you are a BUM!" And they didn't get married after all. Love this book! I remember reading it all the time when I was little. Maybe because the Princess was named Elizabeth. Maybe because it has awesome pictures and the Princess is smart. But probably because I liked her sass.
And of course, I have to add a few pictures of Quinn.
Quinn likes climbing in things.
And pretty much on and through and under everything. He loves being on the move. Last Sunday he pushed a little chair all the way around the church building. He loves pushing his toy boxes, and pots and pans, and the vacuum and bits of paper. Anything he can get his hands on.
Christmas is here...sort of
Its officially the Christmas season and as much as I am aprehensive about it snowing as I am not looking forwarded to being stuck inside all the time I do love the snow and it never feels like Christmas without it. We all had tons of fun stringing up the lights and listening to Christmas music.
Friday, December 4, 2009
This year for Halloween our little man dressed up as this....

And made a super cute pumpkin. I dressed up as a princess and Peter was a Jenga piece (A.k.a a box with Jenga written on it which he held up) It was a great costume! The night before Halloween, we went to our ward chili cook off and then went to Olive Garden and miniature golfing to celebrate my birthday. It was a blast! Halloween morning I ran a 5K which my friend Elizabeth and her husband put together. Lets just say I am extremely out of shape but it was a lot of fun!
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