2 years ago
Friday, December 19, 2008
Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful...
Today was the first real snowstorm of the season. It had snowed each of the previous two Sundays, but never really stuck around past the afternoon. We received about four inches of powdery snow, and we decided to celebrate by going into the field across from our apartment and making snow angels. We even made a baby bump print! Then we decided to walk down to the end of the pier and make a snowman. Unfortunately, the snow isn't good packing snow and so he ended up being more of a snowlump onto which we drew a face. :) Then we came back and enjoyed some hot chocolate. It really is begining to look alot like Christmas, finally!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
36 Weeks: Time for maternity pictures
A couple of weeks ago my good friend JoDee, who is an awesome photographer, offered to take some maternity pictures for us. They turned out so good I just had to share!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My weirdest craving yet...
Today I had a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich! Most of you probably know that I detest peanut butter. Its just nasty, unless of course it is mixed with some kind of chocolate or is in cookies. I'm guessing my son already appreciates the taste though because that's all I wanted to eat today. So my wonderful husband made me one and oh my was it good. I'm hoping this new found love for peanut butter sticks around because liking peanut butter is just so handy!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving is easily one of my favourite holidays. Since I grew up in England the first time I celebrated thanksgiving was when I was 12 years old. The past Thanksgivings have been full of fun, food, friends and family and I treasure those memories. Though this year I can't be with all the family that I love I am so grateful to be celebrating it with my husband. Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to ponder all the blessings in life and the time of year when I realize how blessed I really am. I wanted to share some of the things I am most grateful for.
1. The Gospel- So simple, but easily the biggest influence in my life. I am so grateful to know the purpose of this life. Last night we found out that Peter's Aunt Shelley had passed away only two months after being diagnosed with cancer. We are going to miss her so much! She is leaving behind a husband, 7 children and a wonderful legacy. Though I am so sad and am going to miss her I feel so peaceful as I know that it was her time to go home and that we, without a doubt, will see her again.
2. Miracles- Moving to Connecticut has been one of the hardest things I ever done. Besides missing my home, family, friends and having to postpone my education, financial issues have weighed heavily upon our family. Though it has seemed impossible for us to have enough money for all our needs we have seen tiny, yet amazing miracles bless our financial situation which has allowed us to stay in Connecticut and for Peter to get his law education.
3. Babies- Babies are the most innocent and precious blessing. Last Thanksgiving, after trying for quite a few months to get pregnant I was hoping that we would get to make the traditional "I am thankful that we are pregnant" announcement as everyone states what they are thankful for before dinner. But Thanksgiving came and we were still not pregnant. It took another 5 months with lots of disappointment and impatience on my part before we were blessed to be pregnant. I am so grateful that a year later we are anticipating the birth of our son. I am so excited to soon welcome him into our family and am so anxious to meet him and to learn how to be a good mother.
4. Husbands- Peter is the greatest blessing in my life. He supports me in every aspect of my life, is my best friend, works hard, cares for our home and family, lives his life righteously and is pretty darn sexy. What more could a girl ask for? :-)
1. The Gospel- So simple, but easily the biggest influence in my life. I am so grateful to know the purpose of this life. Last night we found out that Peter's Aunt Shelley had passed away only two months after being diagnosed with cancer. We are going to miss her so much! She is leaving behind a husband, 7 children and a wonderful legacy. Though I am so sad and am going to miss her I feel so peaceful as I know that it was her time to go home and that we, without a doubt, will see her again.
2. Miracles- Moving to Connecticut has been one of the hardest things I ever done. Besides missing my home, family, friends and having to postpone my education, financial issues have weighed heavily upon our family. Though it has seemed impossible for us to have enough money for all our needs we have seen tiny, yet amazing miracles bless our financial situation which has allowed us to stay in Connecticut and for Peter to get his law education.
3. Babies- Babies are the most innocent and precious blessing. Last Thanksgiving, after trying for quite a few months to get pregnant I was hoping that we would get to make the traditional "I am thankful that we are pregnant" announcement as everyone states what they are thankful for before dinner. But Thanksgiving came and we were still not pregnant. It took another 5 months with lots of disappointment and impatience on my part before we were blessed to be pregnant. I am so grateful that a year later we are anticipating the birth of our son. I am so excited to soon welcome him into our family and am so anxious to meet him and to learn how to be a good mother.
4. Husbands- Peter is the greatest blessing in my life. He supports me in every aspect of my life, is my best friend, works hard, cares for our home and family, lives his life righteously and is pretty darn sexy. What more could a girl ask for? :-)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Baby Update
So we had a doctors appointment and everything is still good. The midwife was a little worried that Quinn was slightly too small so she had us do another ultrasound. It was really neat to see our little guy again. It was a bit harder than last time to see things since he is getting so big but was clear enough to tell that he has hair all over his little head :-) I am very excited about that. Turns out he is in the 45th percentile for weight/size so everything is OK. He currently weighs 3lbs 4oz and from the quick glimpse we got of his face he looks like a miniature of his father.
9 more weeks to go!
9 more weeks to go!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This Friday Peter got done with classes early so I claimed him for myself for the rest of the day. We decided to go hiking up Sleeping Giant since the fall weather is so beautiful and with all the changing colors we figured the views would be spectacular...they were!
Hamden from the top of the "Tower"
Views of New Haven and Hamden

Beautiful fall leaves, the colors were so vivid, this picture doesn't do it justice
Me trying to figure out the easiest way to the top :-)
On the way home we just had to pull over and
take this picture of the lake right next to the
law school. It was so beautiful!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
29 weeks

Just less 11 more weeks to go until little Quinn is here. I try not to think about how much time is left because it seems like it will never come but I can't help myself, I am so excited! And scared, nervous and a whole mix of emotions. I am anxious to get the nursery finished but I need Peter's muscles so that will have to wait until Thanksgiving. Pregnancy is definitely different than I thought it would be but so amazing. I love feeling Quinn squirm and kick. If I gently poke my belly he will usually kick back and if I lay on my side he always scoots over so he is against the surface too and loves to kick it. He definitely already has a mind and spirit of his own. I am truly grateful that the Lord trusts us enough to be parents and that he was willing to entrust this little spirit to us.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Yay Blog
Yay! We finally have a blog. Now our lives just need to get more interesting so we have something to write about!
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