Blogging has been the last thing on my mind recently but I miss it! Its so sad to see what little I have recorded of 2011. Here is a quick run down of what happened this past year.
December-Wow! A 4 month old baby, an almost 2 year old, moving across the country, Peter finishing finals and graduating from law school. One insane month
January-Still felt crazy. Peter spent all day studying for the bar. Me and the boys started to get familiar with our new home. Quinn turned 2! We made a train cake and celebrated his birthday with his cousins. Lots of fun :-)
February- Peter turned 26 and we had our 4th wedding anniversary. Two days after our anniversary and two days before the bar Peter was in a roll over accident. He partially severed a tendon in his right hand. He still took the bar but it was one of the hardest things he had ever done
March- Job hunting!
April- More job hunting! Oh and we found out Pete passed the bar!!!
May- Still job hunting. We were getting pretty worried and frustrated by this point
June- Finally some job interviews and offers. Peter ended up getting a great job at Burton Law Firm. Its a perfect job for our family. I also started teaching at a massage school.
July- On the 4th of July we found out we were expecting another baby, surprise!!!
August- My little James turned 1 :-) A few days before his birthday we lost baby #3. It was a hard month
September- House hunting! We found a beautiful 5 bedroom, 3 bath house. We are right across the street from a park, and a 5 minute walk to another park, bike trail, walking trails, basketball and tennis courts. We can see the beautiful mountains out the front and back. And we have a yard!!! We love everything about it. I can't wait for the warmer weather so we be outside. I keep imagining all those hikes, picnics, swimming, camping and fishing. I'm so excited to explore this beautiful place. I think this is also the month that my SIL Janette won concert tickets (she wins everything, it is seriously amazing) We went to meet Michelle Branch and then Peter and I stayed to see her in concert with Parachute and Goo Goo Dolls (love them!)
October- We signed the housing contract and became homeowners. I also turned 24.
November-Nothing too exciting, just getting settled into our new home and of course Thanksgiving with the fam
December- A visit from my Mum and Lyden for Christmas. It was awesome to see them and fun to have a place for them to stay. We were able to be with Lyden as he was sealed to his parents in the Salt Lake Temple.
It was a really tough year. We had no job, and felt like we were in limbo a lot. We had to leave our life and wonderful friends in CT. Our faith was tried a lot and our stress level was high. A lot of the time I didn't think I could handle anymore. I feel so blessed that we finally have a job and a beautiful home. Things are finally back to normal and it feels so good!
Here is a picture dump from the past year. Enjoy!