Even though our trip to MN was not under the best of circumstances it was really wonderful to be with family.
Quinn did really well on the flights. We lucked out...on the first flight they changed our seat so we were behind the bulkhead. This was a super small plane but it had more room behind the bulkhead than I have seen on any other plane, more than an extra 6 inches over any other bulkhead space. That was so nice! Then after our layover they changed our seats from behind the bulkhead and I was feeling pretty bummed. But, as it turned out, we were second from last and no one sat behind us, so we moved back a row and had three seats all to ourselves. Yes!
Quinn's favorite plane activities included:
Opening and closing the window shutter
Twisting the air on and off
Switching on and off the reading light
Moving the arm up and down
Playing with the people in front, behind and to the side
Squishing the baby
Sitting on the arm rest
Looking out of the window
Eating snacks
Mum's favorite plane activity: Sleeping!
I love hanging out with this kid!
Papi and Granma. I love this face Papi is making, classic.
It was never ending fajita night at a Mexican restaurant we went to. (I can not for the life of me remember the name...I think it was Don Pablo's?) It was pretty darn good.
Very casual, good food, and never ending Fajitas, you can't go wrong with that.
Quinn ate three tortillas with beans, rice and cheese! Apparently he LOVES Mexican food, just like his Daddy :-)
Quinn also loved playing with Paige and would say Doh for Dog. We had fun taking her on a walk and playing in the park. (My parents live in this great neighbourhood with beautiful trails and parks, I love it) we hung out with Uncle David and worked on a few college plans and on him getting his permit. We also went to Library and checked out a few books, went to Jo Ann, spent time with each other, visited the cemetery and comforted each other.
Our trip home went well. On our way out we got to go through Atlanta, one of my favorite airports because there is a train to take you to each terminal and they have a Chick-Fil-A. usually I have to trek all over the airport to get some but this time it was right in front of our gate. Super nice!
On the way back we went through Detroit. This was nice because the flight was shorter and the airport was really fun. They had a cool fountain that was like a mini Bellagio. My favorite part was when they made the water look like jumping fish. Quinn's favorite part was splashing in the water. The airport also had a tunnel from one terminal to another that had green lighted paneling which made you feel like you were under water and a sky rail system which was pretty cool.
After our layover Quinn slept all of our last flight. I am glad that he loves airports and exploring and have tons of fun doing this with him but I really enjoyed this! I mean there is only so much you can do to entertain a 1 year old in a 2ft by 2ft space.
We are looking forward to our next trip to MN in June to say goodbye to Uncle D before he heads of to Hawaii.
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